Award ceremony at the “Expo du Futur”

- 22/06/2022

Present at the Expo du Futur at the Foirail de la Chambière on 17 and 18 June 2022, Natur’Ethique supported the departmental and inter-regional competition for dairy and suckler cows.

We are pleased to have awarded the prize for the “1st young Montbéliarde”, Section 8, to the GAEC de l’Elevage Vuaillat (01), for “Nell Stone”, a harmonious 4 year old cow which also won the prizes for best breeder and reserve udder.

We are also delighted to have awarded the prize for “Best Breeder” to the GAEC Des Hauts Sommets (04), for the presentation of “Muselle”, a splendid 5 year old Blonde d’Aquitaine, which also won the prize for first of section.

We congratulate them once again 👏 !

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Our unique approach establishes the link between Water-Soil-Plant-Animal and Breeder.
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